Pomeranian Dog Breeders / Stud Doga}

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Submitted by: Tina Holman
Pomeranian Dog Breeders
There are many Pomeranian Dog Breeders out there, but not all are breeding the correct type. If you go to a show kennel, which you really should, you will have a better chance of getting a puppy correct to the breed.
A good Pomeranian Dog Breeder, will only be breeding from the best stock as they will be looking to breed only the best puppies possible. There are many breeders that are only breeding for profit, with little or no care, taken to the type of puppies that they are breeding.
Good kennels will only breed from the correct size dogs 4-4.5lb for a dog, 5-5.5lb for a bitch. This will ensure correct size puppies which will in-turn make for a more uniform size litter.
Correct size Pomeranian dogs are not easy to breed, and can have many whelping troubles caused mainly by having larger dogs in their history.
A normal size bitch will have a litter of two or three, but the bigger bitches will have a bigger, much more mixed litter, and even if there is a small pup in the litter, it may well grow on to be much bigger then you wanted.
Pomeranian show kennels will not have lots of litters but will be looking to breed the best puppies they can, as each litter could have their next champion.
Many good kennels have websites, where you will be able to see there show dogs, puppies etc. If in doubt about the kennel or puppies then buyer beware, its far better to wait for the right dog.
The Kennel Club have a breeder scheme, of which I am a member, but there is no guarantee that they are breeding to type only and that certain things have been done, like micro chipping, vaccinations, heath checks etc.
My Top 5 Tips For Choosing A Good Pomeranian Dog Breeder Are:-
1. Select From Championship Show Winning Kennels.
2. They Specialise In Only Breeding Pomeranians Or Other Toy Dogs.
3. Ensure They Are A “Kennel Club” Accredited Breeder.
4. Have A Website, To View Type Of Pomeranians Being Bred, & To View Pedigree.
5. They’re Willing To Take The Time To Make Sure The Breed Is Right For You.
Pomeranian Stud Dogs
My advice regarding a Pomeranian stud dog is simple; never use a dog that is not strong and healthy, unless you want weedy or delicate pups.
The ideal Pomeranian stud is a small healthy dog, bred from small show stock. Unless the Pomeranian stud dog is an outstanding good specimen of the breed, you should not be using him at stud.
A top show dog may command a slightly higher stud, somewhere between 250/300, but you puppies will be truer in type, smaller and in much more demand than a bigger Spitzy puppy. A good show kennel will have a choice of stud dogs, with luck a choice of colours, as we all have different taste. You should spend some time well before, researching the best Pomeranian stud dog for your bitch.
You may well have to travel for the right Pomeranian stud dog, but you want to get the best puppies that you can, right? Remember Pomeranians are not easy whelpers so again the choice of Pomeranian stud, coming from small stock is of most importance.Your stud dog choice, should not weigh more than four and a half pound, or less than four pounds.
Also a show kennels with the best Pomeranians stud, will offer and be able to help you sell your pups to the very best homes. There are far too many poor puppies around, your aim should be to bred the best puppies you can,
Dont leave finding your stud dog until the last minute. Before you bitch has come into heat, you need to have you chosen you Pomeranian stud dog already.Then, you will need to ring the kennels as soon as your bitch comes into season, and then take her ten to eleven days later to the kennels.
So my top tips for a good Pomeranians stud dog are
1. Ensure its a good example of the breed. (Go to a show kennel)
2. Ensure the dog is between 4 4.5lbs in weight.
3. Stud comes from Show Breeding to keep the size down.
4. Expect to pay 250/300
5. Check stud has been proven, and ask for recent litter size.
About the Author: Altina Toy Dogs started 25 years ago when I started with a Yorkshire Terrier named Amber.I showed Yorkies with many of my dogs winning RCCs, JWs and Best of Breed at Paignton with Velvet China Blue at Altina, also Best Puppy at Crufts with Altina’s Slave Master.
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