News briefs:May 26, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 1:13 am, August 16, 2018.
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Estos Son Algunos Factores Que Afectan El Valor De Su Solucin De Lesiones Personales}

Filed under: Accountants — @ 1:44 am, August 15, 2018.

Estos son algunos factores que afectan el valor de su solucin de lesiones personales

by, L.L.C.

Los accidentes le suceden a cualquiera, a menudo cuando menos se espera. Sin embargo, cuando alguien con negligencia causa el accidente y sostienes lesiones dolorosas y otros daños, es justo ser justamente compensado.La Ley sobre agravios ordena que el acusado vuelva a hacer el demandante completo. Esto significa que el acusado debe pagar una cierta cantidad de dinero a la parte lesionada por pérdidas y sufrimientos. Si ha habido juego sucio, también puede haber daños punitivos, que podrían ser otorgados para castigar a los culpables.Aquí vamos a ver brevemente cómo abordar la situación para asegurarse de que obtiene el mejor acuerdo posible y sacar el máximo provecho de una experiencia desafortunada y desagradable.Factores que afectan su casoEn la mayoría de los accidentes, la cantidad de recuperación es una cuestión contenciosa. Eso se debe a que casi en todos los casos, las compañías de seguros de baja bola de las víctimas de mala fe. Estos son algunos factores que pueden ayudar a acelerar su caso: Será importante identificar el tipo de lesión ocurrida; Por ejemplo, si se trata de una lesión en la cabeza o hay un daño en los nervios, o una lesión que afecta las habilidades psicomotoras, o el habla o la visión se ve afectada Período y tiempo requeridos para la recuperación Aflicción emocional y social como resultado de esta lesión ¿Cuánta interrupción tiene la lesión causada en su vida, que le impide realizar ciertas funciones?Otros Factores que Afectan a la CompensaciónMuchos otros factores podrían afectar las cifras de compensación que incluyen pero no se limitan a: Cuando se ha establecido que hay un fallo compartido en la forma en que ocurrió el accidente Ningún testigo para corroborar o negar la cuenta de cualquiera de las partes en el incidente ¿Cómo organizado y listo cada una de las partes para seguir este casoPor último, las reclamaciones de accidentes incluyendo coches, bicicletas, camiones, trenes y así sucesivamente son cuestiones peligrosas. Las partes lesionadas que no cuentan con representación legal competente y compasiva podrían verse afectadas por los tribunales si sus preparativos no son serios y meticulosos. Así que el abogado de accidente de lesión derecho o abogado debe ser contratado para obtener la compensación deseada.

Con el espíritu de ayudar a Personas Lesionadas a obtener Just Compensations, aquí en Chosen Lawyers estamos haciendo lo que podemos para traer a algunos de los Abogados de Lesiones Personales más Competentes, Experimentados y Compasivos en todas las jurisdicciones, bajo un mismo techo. Así que si usted o un ser querido sufre lesiones graves en un accidente en cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento, todo lo que necesita hacer es llamar o hacer clic en y la demanda JUSTICIA!

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Three of Serbia’s neighbours recognize Kosovo

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 1:36 am, .

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Croatia, Bulgaria and Hungary, all of which border Serbia, announced in a joint statement Wednesday that they will recognize Kosovo as an independent state.

“The decision on the recognition of Kosovo is based on thorough consideration,” the statement said.

Croatia and Hungary later confirmed they had officially recognized Kosovo, while Bulgaria is expected to make an announcement Thursday. Yesterday, Bulgaria’s security council held a meeting regarding Kosovo. Angel Naidenov, spokesman of the Bulgarian Socialist Party, praised Kosovo for their efforts in establishing a “multi-ethnic and democratic country.”

The statement says Kosovo’s declaration of independence was prompted by the international community’s failure to work out a solution between Serbia and Kosovo. “In these circumstances the change of the unsustainable status quo was unavoidable,” the statement said.

The three nations express their interest in helping the European Union with stabilizing the region, and they wish to develop ties with a Kosovo that “maintains good relations with its neighbors, enjoys economic growth, and keeps its European orientation.”

Serbian foreign minister Vuk Jeremi? criticized their decision. “Every country that decides to recognize the illegally declared state of Kosovo breaches international law,” he said, adding that countries who recognize Kosovo “cannot have good ties with Serbia.”

“I call on states, particularly those of the region, not to take this step. Do not injure our country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty,” Jeremi? said.

Boris Tadi?, Serbia’s president, had previously warned Croatia that recognizing Kosovo would have a negative effect on their relations. “We want to have the best possible relations with this country,” Tadi? said. “But recognition of Kosovo is certainly not an act of goodwill between neighbours.”

Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader says he does not expect relations to worsen. “I do understand this is a difficult one for Serbia to swallow. That’s one of the reasons we have waited until now. But I don’t expect a worsening of political and economic relations because there is no alternative to good neighbourly relations.”

Kosovo’s deputy prime minister, Hajredin Kuçi said the decision was “very good for the Serbian perception and the people of Serbia that everybody who is in the neighbourhood is recognizing the new reality.”

News briefs:August 18, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 1:17 am, .

The time is 17:00 (UTC) on August 18th, 2006, and this is Audio Wikinews News Briefs.


  • 1 Headlines
    • 1.1 North Korea to accept international aid
    • 1.2 North Korea reportedly planning nuclear bomb test
    • 1.3 Chechen rebels surrender
    • 1.4 Canadian soldier killed in accidental shooting laid to rest
    • 1.5 US senators on Greenland tour
    • 1.6 Muhammad cartoon row continues
    • 1.7 Irish firm issues free energy challenge to scientists
    • 1.8 Two New Zealand men ran illegal text lottery
    • 1.9 Cape Breton, Nova Scotia to have launch pad
    • 1.10 announces second quarter results
  • 2 Closing statements


Media reports exaggerate cell phone risks again

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 1:16 am, August 14, 2018.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Several mainstream news outlets have misstated and overstated a possible link between cellular phone use and decreased fertility in men. A single experiment, which has not yet been published in any peer reviewed journal or replicated by other scientists, observed an average decrease in sperm motility and an increase in free radicals among laboratory sperm samples that were exposed to radiation similar to the radiation produced by cellular phone use.

Dr. Ashok Agarwal of the Cleveland Clinic estimates the overall health impact of cellular phones as “very safe” and reassured a Cable News Network reporter that the research was too premature to advise lifestyle changes for the public. “Our study has not provided proof that you should stop putting cell phones in your pocket. There are many things that need to be proven before we get to that stage.” He noted that his own cell phone was in his trouser pocket while he was giving the interview. Dr. Agarwal is the lead researcher for the study and Director of the Center for Reproductive Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic.

Cell phone industry spokesman Joe Farren agreed with Dr. Agarwal’s assessment about the devices’ overall safety: “The weight of the published scientific evidence, in addition to the opinion of global health organizations, shows that there is no link between wireless usage and adverse health effects.”

The controlled experiment used sperm samples from thirty-two donors: twenty-three healthy men and nine men who had fertility problems. Sperm were then exposed to radiation for one hour at 850 megahertz, the most common frequency for cell phones in the United States. Dr. Agarwal’s study raises a possible concern that cell phones kept on belts or trouser pockets and used in conjunction with wireless bluetooth earpieces “could cause harmful effects due to the proximity of the phones and the exposure that they are causing to the gonads.” He also noted that follow-up research is needed to determine whether the body’s skin and other tissue affords protection from the potential damage.

Several news sources ran misleading reports that overstated the risk.

The Los Angeles Times asserted a fallacious causal relationship that Dr. Agarwhal had not drawn and ignored his opinions that cellular phones are safe and no change in phone use is necessary. Instead, the piece opened by ordering men to stop keeping cell phones in their pockets:

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“Attention male cellphone users of reproductive age: Take that phone out of your pocket. Information published today suggests that the radio-frequency energy released by cellphones decreases sperm quality in men.”

Ciol News ran a similar account:

“Beware men! Do you have the habit of keeping your mobile phone in the pockets of your trousers while talking on hand-free? Or do clip the mobile to your belt while talking? If so you are doing that at the cost of your fertility, warns a recent study.”

Mobile Magazine went a step further, also alluding to previous media exaggerations about cellular phone dangers:

“Oh no! It seems that mobile phones are getting even more problematic than ever. After getting linked to everything from migraines to cancer, it seems that the radiation from cell phones is now being connected to stupid sperm. Yes, I’m talking about the little swimmers that lead into a conversation about the birds and the bees.”

Mobile Magazine also ended in a misleading manner with “I wonder if it’s healthier to put your phone in your shirt pocket instead,” failing to mention that Dr. Agarwal had addressed that concern and had called it an unnecessary precaution.

Not all news sources overplayed the findings. CNN and United Press International ran balanced reports that did not suggest dangers or precautions beyond the lead researcher’s conclusions.

This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.
This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.

Aspects To Consider When Shopping For Bmx Bike Parts

Filed under: Off Road Carts — @ 1:27 am, August 13, 2018.

Aspects To Consider When Shopping for BMX Bike Parts


Daren Cari

The game of BMX has really removed in the last times. It can be quite thrilling to undergo the process of figuring out how to ride. There\’s a certain amount of obligation that comes along with a BMX bike, but absolutely nothing that is very demanding. You mostly need to guarantee that the bike is in perfect condition to drive. You want to ensure these both from the performance and safety stand point. As you time being a cyclist evolves you\’ll likely desire other BMX bike parts in order to possibly develop your bicycle or a means to replace BMX bike parts on your bikes which may not be functioning the way they used do. Again, the mixture of performance and safety is a huge component when purchasing and determining which BMX bike parts will be ideal for your needs.

Are you an aggressive BMX biker? If that\’s the case, then you already know full well the significance of acquiring a bike that is equipped to work and convey success. An excellent bike along with a skilled and focused rider will go quite a distance in deciding who wins and who loses a given tournament. Defective BMX bike parts can wreck your chances at winning as well as being able to fight in a match before this actually begins. There are kinds of BMX parts when it comes to standard. If you\’re a elite biker then you must be well aware of the brands and models that can support the extreme cycling that you do on a daily basis. With somebody who is a casual rider it is all about doing inspections every once in a while to make certain the BMX bike parts haven\’t been jeopardized with respect to standard at all. Even if we may simply BMX bike as a hobby we will always wish the bicycle to perform what it\’s intended to do when we want it to. The recreational cyclist can even locate additional choices relating to BMX bike parts since maybe the top of the line acquisitions will never be that much of a concern.


Outside of performance your BMX bike parts play a big role in the safety part of things as well. Protection is front a center in almost every field and BMX is no different in this regard. With the dangers you are setting oneself in regardless of what type of course you\’re riding on we may most likely all recognize that it is vital. Having completely functional BMX bike parts is phase number 1 with regards to safety. The risk you are placing oneself at if you are around with malfunctioning accessories is immense and certainly not worth it in every amount. BMX bike parts are quite available nowadays through different platforms that there is certainly no reason at all to possibly short change yourself on the safety facet of things.

A fast search in the internet will produce the many options available to you with regards to where you can purchase the hottest and greatest in BMX bike parts. With the competition around be sure you look around and find the BMX bike parts that you desire to make the bicycle perform effectively as well as properly.

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Scholastic sued for Harry Potter copyright infringement

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 1:20 am, .

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A trustee of the estate of the late author Adrian Jacobs filed a lawsuit against the US publisher of the Harry Potter series, Scholastic Inc, on Tuesday. He claimed that J. K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, had copied scenes from Jacob’s novel, The Adventures of Willy the Wizard, to the fourth novel of the series, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The suit followed a similar case last year, in which the trustee sued the UK publisher of the series, Bloomsbury Publishing plc. Both of these cases are currently pending.

The complaint stated that in both books, the protagonists “are required to deduce the exact nature of the central task in the competition”, and had done so in a bathroom. Both books also involved “rescuing hostages imprisoned by a community of half-human, half-animal creatures.” The suit also claimed that Christopher Little, a literary agent of Rowling, was originally the literary agent of Jacobs. The claim was denied by Scholastic.

Scholastic called the claim “completely without merit”. They pointed out that Rowling had said in February that she had never read Jacobs’ book. The trustee said that the US was the world’s largest foreign market, so they brought their first overseas action there. He demanded that all copies of the Harry Potter novel be destroyed, and all the profit made by the book given to him.

Massachusetts lawmakers enact plan for universal health coverage

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 1:06 am, .

Friday, April 7, 2006Legislators in the Massachusetts General Court, their name for the state legislature, approved legislation on Tuesday, April 4, that would make it the first state in the United States to require all residents to have health insurance and impose penalties for non-compliance. Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, a Republican who is expected to run for U.S. President in 2008, is expected to sign the bill.

The bill passed the lower house, the Massachusetts House of Representatives by a vote of 155-2, and unanimously by the state senate. The Democratic Party holds supermajorities in both houses of the legislature.

Among the bill’s provisions are these:

  1. Businesses that employ more than 10 people are required to provide health insurance for all staff or face fines of $295 per year per uninsured worker.
  2. Individuals will be required to enroll in a health plan by July 1, 2007, or face tax penalties.
  3. Health insurers will provide partially to fully subsidized coverage for low-income residents.

At least one other state (Hawaii) requires employers to provide employee health insurance, but no other state holds individuals accountable for coverage.

Category:June 4, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 1:03 am, .
? June 3, 2010
June 5, 2010 ?
June 4

Pages in category “June 4, 2010”

Newcastle, Australia man arrested for selling stolen jewelery online

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 1:18 am, August 12, 2018.

Friday, August 4, 2006

New South Wales Police have arrested and charged a 39-year-old man from Warner’s Bay in Newcastle, on the NSW Central Coast after he allegedly stole jewelery from his employer and sold it on an Internet auction site.

According to police, the man stole over AU$100,000 worth of gold and diamond jewelery from a store where he worked and then sold them online. This is alleged to have occurred over a period of several months.

Police arrested the man at his workplace and found stolen items of jewelery at his home. Police charged the man with 34 counts of larceny as a servant or clerk.

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